There are too many "throwbacks" this year, whether movies, video games, or food and beverage. Pepsi, no stranger of the "bizarre beverage" market, just dug its arm in its long list of past drinks and resurrected its ill-fated Crystal Pepsi. What is Crystal Pepsi? Well, it is clear cola. Remember TaB by Coke? They combated this competition extension and then the market went the way of the dodo bird. And for good reason.
Thousands of tiny bubbles illuminate your tongue, warming the crowd of taste buds for this familiar flavor. Its vanilla is muted in favor of citrus, a muddled cocktail of acidity with a heavy dosing of cinnamon and licorice- and that is about it. You know Pepsi? You remember the taste? Well, things are not much different here, despite its unique appearance. Sweetness is key here, not nearly as syrupy as sixty nine grams of high fructose corn syrup would have you believe. Things are brisk and unanticipatedly refreshing, revivifying on this hot and humid summer.
Each bottle contains cola ingredients, minus any coloring. 250 calories are here, along with sixty three milligrams of caffeine, which puts it right up on par with its competitors. However, the words "partially produced with genetic engineering" blaze the back of the label in small print but in all caps. With the criticism soda gets, I am sure it will not be long before we see a "Surgeon General's Warning" here. In the end, Crystal Pepsi is inexplicably hyped and disappointing if you jumped on that wagon.
official site
Thousands of tiny bubbles illuminate your tongue, warming the crowd of taste buds for this familiar flavor. Its vanilla is muted in favor of citrus, a muddled cocktail of acidity with a heavy dosing of cinnamon and licorice- and that is about it. You know Pepsi? You remember the taste? Well, things are not much different here, despite its unique appearance. Sweetness is key here, not nearly as syrupy as sixty nine grams of high fructose corn syrup would have you believe. Things are brisk and unanticipatedly refreshing, revivifying on this hot and humid summer.
Each bottle contains cola ingredients, minus any coloring. 250 calories are here, along with sixty three milligrams of caffeine, which puts it right up on par with its competitors. However, the words "partially produced with genetic engineering" blaze the back of the label in small print but in all caps. With the criticism soda gets, I am sure it will not be long before we see a "Surgeon General's Warning" here. In the end, Crystal Pepsi is inexplicably hyped and disappointing if you jumped on that wagon.
official site
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